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4Dogs Diamond anti-spill bowl 1000 ml - white/grey // 4Dogs Diamond posuda protiv prolijevanja 1000 ml - bijela/siva

4Dogs Diamond anti-spill bowl 1000 ml - white/grey // 4Dogs Diamond posuda protiv prolijevanja 1000 ml - bijela/siva

Regular price €25,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €25,00 EUR
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4Dogs Diamond non-spill is a superb, splash-proof water bowl with a clever design, which prevents the water from splashing and splashing on the floor when the dog drinks. The bowl also works very well for voracious dogs, who can drink at a slower pace and also avoid getting both their ears and face wet.

The wide base and anti-slip details at the bottom make the bowl very stable. The water bowl stands firmly on the floor, in the garden, in the transport cage, the car and the mobile home. Even when the car drives on uneven roads, you can be sure that the water does not splash over.

This is how the bowl works:
A thin, bowled plate with a hole in the middle, in the shape of a paw, is placed in the bowl. The plate is secured in the bowl using the frame, which is snapped into the bowl. The bowl can easily be filled with water both before and after the plate and frame have been put in place. The plate has a replaceable filter.

When the floating plate is placed above the water, only a small mirror of water is visible in the center of the bowl. When the dog touches the plate, more water comes up from the hole in the middle.

Some dogs may need to get used to how the bowl works. Press the plate down gently with your finger to reveal the water in the bowl under the plate. Only a small water surface is visible when the plate is in place.

The water bowl is very easy to take apart, assemble and clean. Wash it by hand or in the dishwasher in the upper part of the machine.

The floating plate consists of two parts and may need to be emptied once or twice a week. It is easily disassembled and can then be easily emptied, cleaned and reassembled.

The anti-spill bowl holds 1 liter.

Materials: ABS plastic and polypropylene

The bowl is suitable for dogs that have passed the puppy stage.

Diameter 21.5 cm (bottom 24 cm)
Height: approx. 7.2 cm

Colour: white/grey


4Dogs Diamond non-spill je vrhunska zdjela za vodu otporna na prskanje, pametnog dizajna, koji sprječava prskanje vode i prskanje po podu dok pas pije. Posuda također dobro funkcionira za proždrljive pse, koji trebaju piti sporije, a također izbjegavaju močenje ušiju i lica.

Široko postolje i protuklizni detalji na dnu čine zdjelu vrlo stabilnom. Posuda za vodu čvrsto stoji na podu, u vrtu, u transportnom kavezu, automobilu i mobilnoj kućici. Čak i kada automobil vozi neravnim cestama, možete biti sigurni da se voda neće prolijevati.

Princip rada:
U zdjeli se nalazi tanka kuglasta pločica s rupom u sredini, u obliku šape. Ona se u zdjelu učvrsti pomoću okvira koji se učvrsti u zdjelu. Posuda se lako može napuniti vodom i prije i nakon postavljanja ploče i okvira. Ploča ima izmjenjivi filter.

Kada se plutajući tanjur postavi iznad vode, samo je malo vode vidljivo u središtu zdjele. Kad pas dotakne tanjur, više vode izlazi iz rupe u sredini.

Neki će se psi možda morati naviknuti na to kako posuda radi. Lagano pritisnite tanjur prstom prema dolje kako biste otkrili vodu u posudi ispod tanjura. Kada je ploča na mjestu, vidljiva je samo mala vodena površina.

Posuda za vodu se vrlo lako rastavlja, sastavlja i čisti. Perite ju ručno ili u perilici posuđa u gornjem dijelu stroja.

Plutajući tanjur sastoji se od dva dijela i možda će ga trebati isprazniti jednom ili dvaput tjedno. Lako se rastavlja, a potom se može jednostavno isprazniti, očistiti i ponovno sastaviti.

Posuda protiv prolijevanja ima kapacitet od 1 litre.

Materijali: ABS plastika i polipropilen

Posuda je prikladna za pse koji su prošli fazu odrastanja.

Promjer 21,5 cm (dno 24 cm)
Visina: cca. 7,2 cm

Boja: bijela/siva

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